Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan’s darling daughter Aaradhya is among the most talked about star kids in the industry. She isn’t just the apple of everyone’s eyes in the Bachchan family, but she is known to send the paps on a photo-clicking spree every time she steps out in the city. However, Aaradhya made her way to the headlines recently after an unseen video of the Bachchan princess from Christmas celebrations surfaced on social media. In the video, the little girl was seen spreading Christmas cheer and was winning hearts with her cuteness.
In the video, Aaradhya was dressed in a red dress and wore a Santa Claus cap as spoke about the true spirit of Christmas. “The spirit of Christmas lies in being a secret Santa throughout the year. Can we be a secret Santa even when it isn’t Christmas? Think about it,” she said. Aaradhya was seen having a striking resemblance to her mother and the netizens were in awe of her cuteness. One of the Instagram users wrote, “She is reflecting Aishwarya”. On the other hand, another user commented, “Aww she’s so cute, she looks and sounds just like her mum”.