Although Superstar Akshay Kumar might be worried as his films are not getting success at the box-office, Film makers have even blamed him for not doing quality work. A film maker said, ” Akhay Kumar believes in quantity and not quality and he isn’t doing justice to the character in his films.”
There were news that Akshay Kumar will take a break but Akshay Kumar has started working. The film titled Bade Miyaan Chote Miyaan is on the floor. The film under the direction of Ali Abbas Zafar is said to be one of the biggest films of 2023. ‘Bade Miyan Chote Miyan’ is being produced with Akshay Kumar as Bade Miyaan and Tiger Shroff as Chote Miyaan, and Prithviraj Sukumaran will play the negetive role. Prithviraj Sukumaran will play a very powerpacked character in the film.
Bade Miyaan Chote Miyaan reminds us of Amitabh Bachchan and Govinda in comic characters but this one will be an action based entertainer.
Tiger Shroff has groomed himself for the character and he isn’t leaving any stone unturned while doing preparations for his character of Chote Miyaan.
Important informations–
Banner- Pooja Entertainment India Ltd.
Status-On the floor
Release Date-22 December, 2023
Genre-Action Drama
Producers-Vashu Bhagnani,Jackky Bhagnani
Deepshikha Deshmukh
Star Cast-Akshay Kumar,Tiger Shroff Janhvi Kapoor,Manushi Chhillar,Prithviraj Sukumaran Kabir Censor
Directer- Ali Abbas Zafar