Actress Kranti Redkar has registered a police complaint after her maid allegedly stole her expensive watch and vanished. The Goregaon (Bombay) police have registered an FIR of theft by a servant, and are investigating. Redkar is married to IRS officer Sameer Wankhede.
Kranti said in her statement to the police that the full-time maid, Mantasha Khatoon, was behaving in a suspicious manner on December 24, 2022. She stepped out of her flat late at night on the pretext of meeting her husband. On December 26, the maid told Kranti that she wanted to go home as she had had a fight with her husband. She did not return to work thereafter. Two days later, the actress realised that her Omega Constellation wrist watch worth Rs. 4.50 lakh was missing.